Whether dashing through the snow with your incredible ZENFULdog canicross team or staying active in the frosty Canadian winter with your pup, having the right outdoor gear is a game-changer.
The secret to staying toasty while keeping your agility? It’s all about layering up like a pro!
Base Layer
Your base layer is your secret weapon against the chill whisking moisture away from your skin to keep you dry and comfy. Opt for a long-sleeve thermal shirt crafted from moisture-wicking fabrics like merino wool or synthetic materials such as polyester.
Stay dry, and warm and keep moving!
Mid Layer
Your mid-layer is your cozy cocoon, keeping that precious body heat where it belongs. Think fleece, a lightweight down pullover or a snazzy insulated jacket to stay snug and keep the warmth in!
Outer Layer
Your outer layer is your shield against the elements, keeping wind, rain and snow at bay. Opt for a windbreaker or a waterproof running jacket made from materials like Gore-Tex.
Here are some top-notch Canadian outer layer brands to consider:
MEC: Best Movement & Visibility
Lightweight and insulated, Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) jackets are perfect for winter running because they offer great warmth and breathability. MEC jackets allow moisture to escape and keep you dry during intense physical activity and provide ergonomic designs for ease of movement. Their jackets also feature reflective details to offer enhanced visibility!
Canada Goose: Made for Canadian Winters
Canada Goose jackets are designed to withstand extreme cold and feature durable, water-resistant and wind-resistant fabric with high-quality down insulation suitable for temperatures as low as -30 degrees.
The Last Hunt: A Perfect Fit at a Steal
The Last Hunt is an online outlet store that offers a myriad of Canadian winter running jackets at better prices! Their winter jackets are excellent for outdoor running and activities because they combine high-quality insulation to keep you warm, breathable materials to prevent overheating and water-resistant features to keep you dry.
Choose adjustable hoods, cuffs and hems to ensure a perfect fit so you can focus on performance without distractions.
Oraki: Best in Style
Oraki jackets are a great choice for outdoor activities and training because they combine functionality with style. The lightweight design allows for ease of movement, making them ideal for running, hiking or any outdoor activity.
Lolë Sports Jackets & Puffers: Most Trusted Design
Lolë jackets and puffers will ensure you look your best and stay warm and dry while training with or without your pup for many Canadian winters of outdoor fun!
Mackage winter jackets blend style with practicality and are designed to be water-resistant and provide optimal protection against harsh weather with premium materials.
Arc’teryx: Best Tech
Arc’teryx jackets use vapor technology which is a heat laminate process (thermolamination) to create durable and lightweight jackets for Canadian winter training.
Moose Knuckles: Best Durability
Moose Knuckles offers jackets ideal for running outdoors with optimal protection against various weather conditions. They ensure you stay warm and dry without feeling weighed down and their quality lasts for years and years.
Pajar Canada: Most Versatile
Pajar jackets offer the functionality of high-quality craftsmanship needed to last through many years of outdoor training while also being stylish and practical for urban wear.
Nobis: Most Wind & Water Resistant
Nobis jackets are exemplary for training outdoors in Canadian winters because they are water-resistant, windproof, lightweight and breathable.
Aritzia: Most Comfortable
Aritzia winter jackets stand out for outdoor training due to their combination of style, functionality and high-quality materials. They offer a diverse range of styles and fit so everyone can find the ideal jacket for their specific training needs.
Stay Safe, Warm & Have Fun!
In addition to mastering the art of layering, don’t forget to gear up with a hat, gloves, and a neck gaiter to keep those extremities cozy. Be ready to tweak your layers to the weather and your activity level. And for those early morning or late training runs, make sure your outer layers have reflective elements to keep you safe and visible.
Happy trails, and may your winter workouts be as cool as the Canadian snow. Also, don’t forget, you can follow ZENFULdog Training on Facebook to stay connected with your like-minded, dog-loving community every day!