A Tribute to Bai Bai
Welcome to the July 2024 edition of ZENFULdog of the Month featuring Bai Bai! We are doing things a little differently this month to honour a dog who was very special to Kendra and her family. While Bai Bai was not officially a ZENFULdog Training client, he was Kendra’s dog-brother and her parents’ beloved adopted son. Kendra often shared tips and advice with her parents in Montreal on how to work with Bai Bai’s emotions and help him through his severe separation anxiety.

Kendra’s parents, Tim and Elizabeth, rescued Bai Bai when he was about 3 years old. Bai Bai recently passed away on July 12th, 2024 at 11 years old during a vacation in Prince Edward Island after many joyful swims in the ocean and surrounded by the love of his family. This month’s tribute feature will celebrate Bai Bai’s life as an honourable member of the ZENFULdog community!
Bai Bai
Birthday: As a rescued dog, Bai Bai’s ‘brought him home’ day was celebrated instead which was April 13, 2016.
Meet Bai Bai’s Family
Bai Bai was cherished by a large adoptive family that included cat-siblings who have since passed, 3 human siblings (including Kendra who doubled at times as a long-distance trainer), a bunch of human nieces and nephews who loved him to pieces, the NDG community of dog-park goers, and so many more!

Ultimately, Bai Bai was visibly content every day spending his time with his little family of 3—Elizabeth (his mom), Tim (his dad) and himself.
(Tim—Bai Bai’s pet-dad): “We brought Bai-Bai home when he was about 3. He was raised in a Mandarin-speaking family and often demonstrated his preference for the Mandarin Language responding to the command ‘So!’ instead of ‘Sit!’ We never met his birth family but our children and grandchildren quickly became his brethren. Bai-Bai was a Canadian Golden Retriever with red hair and a thin physique. He had a height that would allow petting him without bending.”

(Elizabeth—Bai Bai’s pet-mom): “I consider myself his mum. He helped me become more social because everyone passing us on a walk would stop to pet him and talk. He brought so much more love into my world since joining our weekly Thursday pizza night on April 13th, 2016.”

Bai Bai’s Unique Backstory
Elizabeth ran a residential cleaning company and had sent staff to clean for a new client. The staff called Elizabeth to inform her of the horrible mess of the place and the unliveable conditions for Bai Bai who was neglected, never walked and confined to a tiny space due to piles of garbage and mess surrounding him. Tim and Elizabeth went to see the situation and saved Bai Bai from the abuse by going home with their new dog.
Until the day he died, Bai Bai still backed into and out of a room because he was so accustomed to a tiny living space. After a lot of love, patience and consistency (and stuffies) from his pet-parents, he was less anxious and incredibly happy the next 8 years of his life living with Tim and Elizabeth.

Bai Bai's Personality: His demeanor was inspirational—kind, protective, and full of life. He wouldn't hurt a soul and he was always smiling!
Tim Shares The Most Unique Thing about Bai Bai: “Bai Bai enjoyed meeting new people (and dogs sometimes) and would position himself in such a way as to get petted. Walks would take a long time because of his need to socialize.”
Elizabeth adds: He had a favourite box of stuffies—he carried some of them everywhere.
Bai Bai's Favourite Treats/Foods: Bai Bai loved dried cow liver treats but you couldn't coax him into releasing a ball in exchange for a treat.

Bai Bai’s Favourite Activities: Bai Bai’s favourite hobbies were swimming, walking, running, playing, wrestling and lying on grass with stuffed toys. He also loved to sit on a bench with his dad and say hello or even simply watch the passers-by.

Elizabeth adds: Bai Bai loved stuffies, swimming, walks, water, running, playing with dogs and being loved.
How Bai Bai Would Unwind After a Full Day of Activity: Baibai loved lying on the grass chewing sticks and stubbornly guarding his stuffies or stolen toys. He also loved to cuddle on the couch with one paw always touching his dad.
Who would Bai Bai sound like if he had a human voice?: Tim thinks Bai Bai would have sounded like the Canadian actor Gordon Pinsent because Pinsent was both wise and humorous like Bai Bai.
Elizabeth adds: “I think Bai Bai would have sounded like Ryan Reynolds—a gentle and funny man.”

Kendra adds: “It's a running joke in the family to tease each other about being the favourite child, we constantly ask our parents for validation. I even spent an afternoon replacing pics of my siblings with my own pics to see if anyone noticed that they were replaced by me—their obvious favourite. Well, the joke was on us, as the obvious favourite child is Bai Bai, and who could blame them?

Bai Bai was the most loving dog, he always made you feel like you were his favourite even if he shared a particularly special bond with my dad. He showed love by bringing you his favourite toys and asking you to pet him constanty. My mom was definitely the one he knew he could turn to whenever he needed a little caring for or just some nice shared quiet time and spoiling.
Bai Bai loved to socialize and adventure in any environment, which suited our dad. They were two peas in a pod—wherever one was, the other was. My mom was Baibai's human mom and my dad was his bestest friend through thick and thin.
Baibai was very loved and will forever be remembered in all our hearts. I take solace in the thought that he is enjoying an amazing social life with our other amazing family members both furry and not across the rainbow bridge.”
Condolences and a heartfelt ‘thank you’ from the ZENFULdog Training community to Tim & Elizabeth who provided content for this feature. You are missed, Bai Bai.
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