Saying YES is more informative than saying NO and gives your dog a better chance to succeed and have fun.
The more a dog learns something is wanted by being positively rewarded the more the behaviour repeats. If the dog already likes the behaviour, like chewing on something than it is easy to reward chewing on dog specific toys vs things you don't want chewed, like your shoes! The more you encourage and reward the wanted behaviour it leaves less and less room for unwanted behaviours.
When working with dogs, it is our responsibility to teach them what behaviours are wanted living in a human world and still enjoy the things they love and what makes them dogs.
When you tell a puppy NO for chewing your shoes but your puppy needs to chew, it is part of being a dog, then your dog might eventually understand that your shoes are off limits but there are probably hundreds of things he can try next. Instead of leaving your dog the frustrating task of reading your mind show your dog what he CAN chew and reward it!!! Teach your dog that his rope is fun to chew. When he wants to chew take out his rope and offer it to him and make it exciting. Say YES and reward with play. You can even throw in a treat when teaching it.
Your dog seeks out information so be a good teacher and let him know all the cool ways he can enjoy being a dog while doing it in way that is harmonious with your life too.
Have fun training!!
